Saturday, January 19, 2008

rejected gag

I've been trying my hand at gag cartooning. I love doing these things but I haven't cracked in just yet. A couple fellow cartoonists suggested that I try switching from brush to pen. It's tough, baby. I just love my brushes. I went out and picked up about a dozen different pens from micron pigmas to rapidographs and uniball styles. I love them for sketching and roughs but it's tough to make the switch on my finished stuff. I can see how pens will be faster but.... When I feel happy about my pen finishes, I'll post one. In the mean time here's a rejected brush and ink effort.

1 comment:

patricia said...

Heh...I like this one. I'm sure there's a place for this kind of twisted humour somewhere.

And what's wrong with using brushes? If you're happy using brushes, I say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Not everyone uses a brush in gag cartooning, so your work would stand out against all the pigma-pens, in my opinion. I used brushes when I used to do gag cartoons (alas, I pretty much stopped because it just ain't much of a lucrative market – I'm mainly doing illustration now).

Here's a link to some of my brush cartoon work:

Found your stuff on the Wisen – you rock!!